We keep a running list of notorious hunt saboteurs and their crimes. All information published is done so in the public interest, given the threat often posed to humans and animals by saboteurs.
Luke Tucker
Cliff Harrison
Judy Tribe
Rhys Giles
Michelle Smith
Sally Field
Carly Ahlen
Ben Lindsay
Gareth Cheeseman
Ricky Frazer Southall
Deborah Hall
Bernadette Green
Paula Lamont
Max Watson
Emily Hepburn
Emma Phipps
Charley Waring
Matthew Slater
Simon Taylor
Joe Johnson
David Graham
Lesley Martin
Dafydd Hughes
John Harwood (aka J Edward Edward)
Caroline Hutt
Doug Maw
Cathy Scott
Manuela Shardana
Agnieszka Grabowicz
Susan Sutton-Lloyd
Andrew Purbrick
James Harkness
Neil Geraghty
Marc Shaw
Ian Ross
Martin Sloan
Paul Hildreth
Jenny MacRae
Tracy Williamson
Richard Williams
Elizabeth Hart
Gemma Barnes
Mel Broughton
Megan Thornbury
Jessica Groling
Helen Nicholas
Lynne Ann Graham
Keith Richardson
Clive Richardson
Tommy Woodward