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Write to Your MP About How Sabs Are Ruining the Countryside

Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Despite being barely three weeks into the lifespan of the new Labour government, Parliament is set to rise for the summer recess on Tuesday 30 July and won't sit again until 2 September.

For many MPs this is an ideal opportunity to catch up on correspondence from their constituents, particularly after the hectic election campaign period and the state opening of Parliament.

As you may be aware, Labour has threatened to tighten up so-called 'loopholes' in the Hunting Act to abolish the practice of trail hunting altogether. What they and many other MPs don't realise is that registered BHSA hunts are operating within the law and that the impetus behind a further hunting ban is mostly propagated by extreme activists like hunt saboteurs.

Fortunately, there was no mention of this legislation in Labour's King's Speech last week. However, that doesn't mean it's off the cards.

We - as a hunting community - need to engage with lawmakers about the problem hunt saboteurs present in the countryside and remind them of the vital role that trail hunting plays in the rural economy and the social fabric of the countryside.

Below is a template for emailing your local MP about the problem that hunt saboteurs present and how they have hijacked the debate around trail hunting. We urge you to identify your representative and use the below template to tell them why trail hunting is important to you and the threat that hunt saboteurs pose.

Sections that require personalisation are highlighted in orange. Don't forget to include your address so the MP knows you're from their constituency.


Re: Hunt saboteurs are ruining the countryside


Dear [MP name],


I hope this finds you well and congratulations on your [re]election.  I am writing to you to express my concerns over the persistent criminal and anti-social behaviour of so-called ‘hunt saboteurs’, who threaten not only the peace and freedoms of trail hunts across the country, but also endanger the social fabric of rural communities like ours.


As you are hopefully aware, trail hunting is the legal practice of laying a scent for hounds to follow, accompanied by riders on horseback. It is an exciting, healthy pastime which brings together people of all ages and background and provides a vital sense of community for those of us in rural areas.  


For many older hunt followers, trail hunting provides much-needed social contact and outdoor exercise. It creates jobs for hunt staff and grooms and supports rural businesses like pubs, vets, farriers, feed merchants, and equestrian supply shops. Many hunts, [such as ourselves], also fundraise for local charities.  


Unfortunately, our community is coming under increasing threat from malicious animal rights extremists, who seek to present the false narrative that the majority of hunts are engaging in the illegal killing of animals. This is categorically untrue, but it has not prevented undue media focus on the few hunts that break the law.  


Much of this narrative is propagated by so-called ‘hunt saboteurs’. These groups regularly interrupt our trail hunts, harass and intimidate our members, and cause great distress to our dogs and horses. They are also known to target small, rural businesses with organised boycotts, fake reviews, and in some cases abuse.


Many such hunt saboteurs have alarming criminal records, like Paul Allman, who has twice been convicted for assault while disrupting hunts; or Mel Broughton, who served ten years in prison for conspiracy to commit arson.  


The behaviour of some of these saboteur groups – who operate around the country – is documented on the website Behind The Masks, which exposes hunt saboteur criminality and anti-social behaviour. This activity ranges from trespass and property damage to physical violence against hunt supporters and their animals. I encourage you to take a look at some of this shocking behaviour for yourself.


As my local MP, I ask for your support in holding these hunt saboteur groups to account. I ask you to please support the work of [local police service], in particular the rural crime team who work very hard to prevent and investigate attacks on our members.


I also ask that you read news reports about hunt groups with a critical eye, knowing that much of the information is supplied by hunt saboteurs with extreme ideologies and in some instances criminal records.

Most people in the countryside are perfectly content with the current status quo of trail hunting in England and would hate to see our traditional way of life further eroded at the behest of a small group of extremists.


Thank you very much in advance for your support in this matter.


Yours sincerely,



[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]



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