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Tristam Pearce

Updated: 3 minutes ago

Location: Wilcott Marsh, Shrewsbury


Affiliations: Shropshire Monitors, Badger Trust

Tristam ‘Tris’ Pearce is a key figure in the Shropshire Monitors, a notorious group of keyboard warriors who mostly take credit for other group’s work on their social media pages.

Pearce, a self-proclaimed wildlife warrior, spends his weekends shadowing hunts, camera in hand, hoping to catch them off guard. Sources tell BTM Pearce has earned a reputation locally for “hiding in woods and jumping out at you”. Not creepy at all.

Pearce is a chartered ecologist and member of the Royal Society of Biology. He sits on the board of the Badger Trust and runs his own ecological consultancy, Pearce Environment Ltd., specialising in badger surveys.

In his spare time, Pearce can often be found scouring the countryside, not just for hunts, but for photos animal poo. No seriously. Whether it's badger or fox faeces, apparently no piece of scat is too smelly for Pearce. He documents these findings on his personal Facebook page, Tris Pearce Wildlife. BTM imagines he must have a thrilling home life as well.

On Saturday 1 March 2025, Pearce was spotted at a meeting of the Wynnstay Hunt near Tybroughton in North Wales. The meeting was disrupted by members of the Stockport Monitors, armed with hammers and machetes, who chased hunt supporters and damaged their vehicle. It is unclear whether Pearce was in contact with the Stockport Monitors during the incident.

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