Name: Tracy Williamson
Location: Selby
Afilliations: York Anti-Hunt League, West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs
Tracy Williamson is a prolific hunt saboteur, who has been spotted trespassing in order to bother and harass multiple hunt groups in the Yorkshire area.
Williamson is known as something of a ringleader amongst the sab communities of northern England. Her presence - though usually peaceful - has been known to attract other, more violent saboteurs to a hunt. Her lack of a day job allows her to attend multiple meets in a week and document hours of footage.
Williamson is the leader of the York Anti-Hunt League. Another member of the York Anti-Hunt League, Paul Hildreth, was convicted in 2013 for defrauding the National Lottery Trust after securing funding for a sport he had invented.
Williamson's brother, Jez Williamson, is not a sab. In fact, he is reportedly an upstanding member of the community who works in agriculture and used to keep a horse at Hewitt's livery yard. Tracy, it seems, is the black sheep of the family.
Video evidence shows Williamson rudely trespassing. Multiple reports have noted that she is verbally abusive towards huntsmen.

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