Name: Sam Morley

Locations: Leek, Staffordshire
Criminal trespasser: In August 2023 Morley was convicted of aggravated trespass at Sandon Shot near Stafford, for which he and one other an were fined £3,500 with a conditional discharge of two years. Morley set up a GoFundMe to recoup the funds he lost through this criminal activity. Despite this he is still allegedly out sabotaging and committing aggravated trespass against the legal trail hunting activities of the North Staffs, South Notts and Moorlands hunts, often in conjunction with the Manchester Hunt Sabs.
Morley was involved in a court case in November 2021 where he is accused of trespassing in June 2021 whilst protesting at Camp Beagle, in league with individuals who take the subtle protest approach of spitting in a coffee cup and throwing the contents at the car of an employee. A well thought out and calm approach to the problem. Other actions by the protestors included the striking and damaging of employees’ cars as they entered the site, barricading the site, and abusing employees. At present an injunction in place on those seeking to protest at Camp Beagle.

Ruining families: Morley shows no moral restraint in his fight against hunting, even when it comes to children. Whilst sabbing against the Moorlands hunt in October this year he recorded footage of a 2-year-old little girl in the arms of her mother whilst on private land in Derbyshire
Having repeatedly been asked to stop, Morley aggressively shoved the camera in the mother and daughter’s face. He later had the audacity and immorality to claim on Facebook that the mother was using her daughter as a shield to protect the hunt. This led to a number of aggressive comments on the Facebook post aimed at the mother.
Ruining businesses: At the beginning of October 2023, Morley took part in the destruction of a recently reopened local pub – Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, Lognor. A group from a local hunt had recently eaten there, after its costly refurbishment, and in retaliation for this harmless act the supporters of the Staffordshire Hunt Sabs proceeded to trash it. The sabs also left highly critical – and totally unjustified – reviews of the pub online, which contrast strongly with the honest appraisals of this charming village local. A cruel and unnecessary punishment for a rural business at a time when pubs are closing around the country.
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