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Philip Walters

Updated: Jan 16

Name: Philip Joseph Walters

Location: Luton, North London

Affiliations: Leader of the North London Saboteurs

Dangerous driver: As leader of the North London Hunt Sabs, you'd expect that Walters has a squeaky clean record - particularly given how much sabs love to get up on their moral high horses (if not so much actual horses).

Sadly for the sabs, it looks like the emperor has no clothes. Instead, Walters allegedly boasts an impressive criminal record stretching back to the early 2000's.

Reports indicate that Walters was handed a 15-month ban for drink driving in November 2003, as well as a fine for driving an uninsured vehicle in north west Wiltshire.

A few months later, in March 2004, sources report that Walters was handed a two-year community rehabilitation order and another three-year driving ban after once again driving without insurance.

Worse still, in 2008, Walters was reportedly charged at Colindale police station with criminal damage and destruction of property worth more than £5,000. He is also believed to have been charged with assault and battery.

Friends in high places

For a sab with such a reportedly impressive rap sheet, you'd expect Walters to want to keep a low profile. Instead, he's been spotted roaming the corridors of power.

In January 2025, the North London Hunt Saboteurs boasted of a meeting with the Labour MP for Poole Neil Duncan-Jordan at the House of Commons to discuss strengthening the Hunting Act. A picture of this meeting clearly shows NLHS leader Walters alongside the dubiously moustachioed Rhys Giles, also of the North London parish.

Neil Duncan-Jordan MP, with Philip Walters (right) and Rhys Giles (left)
Neil Duncan-Jordan MP, with Philip Walters (right) and Rhys Giles (left)

The post by the NLHS repeats sabs' favourite lie that trail hunting "only exists on paper". In fact, official figures show that there have only been 23 criminal convictions for illegal hunting since the ban was enacted. Across some 228,000+ trail hunting days this means that 99.9% of hunts are following the law, demonstrating that the Hunting Act is functioning as intended.

We at BTM wonder whether Mr Duncan-Jordan knows that he is being lobbied by such a dodgy character as Philip Walters. Then again, his fellow Labour Party MP and League Against Cruel Sports supporter Ivor Caplin was recently arrested for attempting to meet up with a 15-year-old boy in Brighton. So who knows what standards they hold.

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