Location: Devizes, Wiltshire
Affiliations: Leader of Salisbury Plain Hunt Saboteurs (formerly Moonraker Hunt Saboteurs).
Neil Geraghty is a sab who values anonymity like no other – but we’ve found him all the same. After being exposed, Geraghty has been recorded hurling threats and abuse at the huntsmen he harasses.
Alongside generally abusive sabbing, Geraghty has also been caught trespassing on Ministry of Defence (MOD) property and harassing Royal Artillery Staff: a severe criminal offence for which the court can award a custodial sentence of up to 51 weeks.
On 10 December 2022, Geraghty was accompanied on this illegal sabotage mission by his saboteur side-kick, Andrew Pubrick, and two other unidentified female sabs. (*More to come: watch this space*)
This rag-tag group, under Geraghty’s lead, took evident pleasure in actively harassing staff who were taking the hounds on their morning exercise. Video evidence shows one of the aggressive hunt saboteurs slamming his fists on the bonnet of a kennelman’s car, while he was driving along a private MOD road with restricted public access. The saboteurs made baseless claims that the staff had ‘driven their vehicle at them’, and taken their camera – the lack of truth behind this was later confirmed by the police.
During the altercation, the kennel staff calmly made the saboteurs aware that no trail hunting was taking place that day; rather they were walking hounds on foot. They repeatedly stressed that Geraghty’s presence on MOD land was illegal trespassing, asking them to leave. The saboteurs, however, refused, failing to give any reason why they were there in the first place.
Meanwhile, Geraghty’s follower, Andrew Pubrick, foolishly took matters into his own hands.
When Geraghty’s not out trespassing on private land and disrupting legal trail hunts, he manages a decorating business: Neil Geraghty Limited. It’s a shame he can’t dedicate more time to this respectable business.
Got any information about Neil Geraghty? Send tips, photos and videos to info@behindthemasks.co.uk or Whatsapp us on +44 7985 517452