Name: Neal Buckoke
Location: Galton, Dorchester
Affiliations: Devon County Hunt Saboteurs, Severn Vale Hunt Saboteurs, Northants Hunt Saboteurs
Buckoke was recently filmed abusing a follower of Devon based trail hunt. Shouting at the man driving past, Buckoke makes incorrect assumptions about his class, saying he "f**king hates rich c**nts like you" and calls the man an "upper-class little c**nt", among other horrible insults.
Once again, Buckoke has proved that sabs are motivated by nothing other than class-related hatred and extremist anti-etsbalishment views - and undoubtedly not by a love for animals.
Anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist: As well as being a prolific hunt saboteur, Buckoke is a fervent anti-establishment conspiracy theorist. He enjoys spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories on Facebook, with anti-vaccination content featuring particularly prominently during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Buckoke posts on social media liberally, if not intelligently, and his personal icons apparently include the alleged rapist Russell Brand, as well as the nations of Iran, China and Russia.
Support for criminals: Buckoke has an open hatred of the police and supports criminal behaviour as a means to achieve so-called 'animal liberation' - a position held by many hardcore saboteurs.

Violent language: Buckoke regularly posts inflammatory and bullying content online, often using rude, violent, and offensive language. Hunt supporters are the regular target of his poorly-written tirades.

Got information about Neal Buckoke? Send tips, photos and videos to info@behindthemasks.co.uk