Location: Newnam on Severn, Gloucestershire
Affiliations: South Wales Hunt Sabs

Megan Thornbury, 44, is a sab who has been determined to keep undercover. Unfortunately, in December of 2015, she undid this when she was found guilty of three charges of assault, of which two of the victims were under the age of 18. She was sentenced to carry out 80 hours of community service and fined £410 by Hereford Magistrates Court. The mother of the two children involved in the assault, who went into protect them and was also beaten, told the Ross Gazette: “I can’t describe how it feels to see someone attack your son in front of you.”

One of the children had been leaning on Thornbury’s car whilst amicably chatting to other hunt sabs. Thornbury shot out from her car and assaulted him. According to their mother, who tried to pull Thornbury away from her son: “She grabbed a handful of my hair. I had a sore head for a week after”.
Around the time of the incident Thornbury lost her job as a nursery nurse in unknown circumstance - although it is likely this was connected to the assault. It appears she is now a therapist, though with what qualifications, it is unclear.
Thornbury, like many other sabs, feels it’s her purpose to ruin small businesses for no discernible reason. This screenshot from Facebook shows her reviewing a small pub poorly, merely because some hunt members decided to eat there – petty and vindictive.

Got information about Megan Thornbury? Send tips, photos and videos to info@behindthemasks.co.uk