Affiliations: Northants Hunt sabs, MBR Beagles
Max Watson is a veteran sab and animal rights extremist, whom Behind The Masks believes hides behind the pseudonym “Alf Marshall” on Facebook. In the field he rolls around with the Northants Hunt sabs, hiding behind the customary sab-mask while being a hardcore campaigner against MBR Beagles.
Despite his aloof online alias, a link pinned on his “Alf Marshall” Facebook profile takes one straight to Watson’s gofundme page, which attempts to guilt trip the hard-working public into reaching into their pockets to fund an animal rights extremist film.

“Hi, my name is Max and I am the content creator of the YouTube channel Animal Liberation TV (ALTV)... I want to raise funds to make a film about hunting in the UK, that still takes place, despite the ban, and about Hunt Saboteurs, who last year celebrated 60 years since their inception,” reads the start of Watson’s gofundme bio.
Is there much to celebrate about 60 years of hunt saboteurs? No – unless people want to celebrate what’s become a cultish breeding ground for extremism, violence, and crime, licensing lawbreakers like Paul Allman, Mel Broughton, and David Blenkinsop, to name but a few.
But the apple doesn’t fall far from the Allman tree for Watson, who makes it his prerogative to support the disreputable Stockport Monitors online:

“I want to produce a contemporary film... A campaigning tool, An educational tool, A lobbying tool, And also a recruiting tool. I am a long standing animal rights activist, campaigner and spokesperson. I am embedded within the animal rights and Sab culture and world,” continues Watson’s plea for cash.
The intent is clearly to brainwash more thugs into a morally bankrupt cause – a disturbing agenda to say the very least. Meanwhile, the comparisons to his phony Alf Marshall Facebook are all the more obvious, which writes:

There is clearly an even more concerning connection to extremist group the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), an organisation that was designated a domestic terror group by the FBI in 2004, drawn with Animal Liberation TV. Meanwhile, Watson’s tongue-in-cheek Facebook pseudonym “A-L-F Marshall” is perhaps even more telling...

Watson’s fake Facebook further lauds ALF stalwart Barry Horne as a “hero” and personal friend.
To rejog our readers’ memories, Horne was the nutter who went on a 68-day hunger strike to persuade the Labour government in 1998 to hold a public inquiry into animal testing; all the while, Horne was serving an 18-year sentence for planting incendiary devices in stores that sold fur coats and leather products – the longest sentence handed down to any animal rights activist by a British court. Watson seems to keep good company.
Among his other disturbingly misinformed views, Watson is an ardent advocate for ACAB – “All Cops Are Bast***s”.
ACAB is a registered hate symbol according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and is sadly commonplace amongst anti-establishment hardcore sabs, such as Gemma Barnes, who makes it her mission to harass and intimidate police in the Norwich area, and Neal Buckoke from Dorchester.
And to fulfill his menacing past time, Watson likes to prance around the countryside in paramilitary gear to intimidate hunts in the Northamptonshire area, allegedly resorting to violence on the occasion.
Got more information about Max Watson? Send a tip to or WhatsApp 07985 517 452.