Name: Keith Richardson
Location: Northampton, Northamptonshire
Affiliations: East Hertfordshire Sabs
Dangerous: Richardson, a self-employed gardener, has a firm history of animal rights protesting, which is what makes it surprising that he so often endangers the hounds of the hunt. Numerous videos and photos show him cracking whips, holding bottles of citronella and calling hounds off the trail. Each of these a potential source of stress and harm to the hounds. The large bullwhips that are used intimidate and, clearly, potentially harm the dogs.

Citronella, a registered pesticide, is an irritant which causes an allergic reaction and extreme distress to dogs. It can cause stomach irritation, vomiting, neurological abnormalities and even pneumonia. Citronella is commonly used amongst hunt saboteurs, sprayed at the dogs and in the surrounding area to affect them and their sense of smell. Saboteurs are using citronella illegally on several counts when spraying it at the hounds and people: spraying it at hounds constitutes a wildlife crime; at people constitutes an assault with an offensive weapon; on bare land or crop contravenes pesticide legislation. Saboteurs are not qualified to apply it or use it in any way, unless they hold the PA1 and PA6 certificates. Given the encouragement by saboteur websites for anyone to use citronella spray, it is highly doubtful that most, if any, sabs hold these licences and use them correctly.
Another saboteur tactic, favoured by Richardson, is using a horn to call the hounds off course. This is done purely to cause confusion and chaos between the hunt and hounds, which can have harmful consequences. Hounds could easily be called off the scent and onto nearby roads in the way of cars. Many hunts have alleged that sabs use the horns irresponsibly close to roads.
Richardson takes after the likes of Buckoke, spreading misinformation. It is a common theme amongst sabs – a wild belief that there are people out there who have the resources, creativity and frankly, teamwork, to invent a global pandemic to control the population. Luckily, Facebook’s features capture some of these posts and take them down, but many slip through the cracks.

Got information about Keith Richardson? Send tips, photos and videos to info@behindthemasks.co.uk