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Judy Tribe

Location: Wooler, Northumberland

Affiliations: Northumberland Hunt Watch

Judy Tribe is a recognisable figure in the Northumberland sabbing community. The Northumberland Hunt Watch Facebook page, which details the group’s disruptive activities, is littered with selfies and photos of Tribe.  


Below is one of Tribe’s proud sabbing selfies. She rather bizarrely claims to have been "peeing on hunt strawberries". 

BNP Lynne 


Tribe’s comrade in arms at the Northumberland Hunt Watch is Lynne Graham (pictured above). Graham - who is currently a PhD candidate at the Unviersity of Northumbria - has a rather colourful past. Formerly the owner of a sex shop in South Shields, Pandora’s Box, Graham was fined in 2004 for not having the correct licence for that kind of business. She sold blow-up dolls, edible underwear and sex toys, as well as whips that she claimed were for “horse riders or in case anyone wanted to dress up as a jockey”.  


Then, in 2010, Graham ran as the candidate for the far-right, fascist political party the BNP in a South Tyneside local election. This was discovered by the North East Hunt Monitors in 2022, with whom she was previously affiliated. The group described her as a “fascist” and cut all ties.  

As Tribe and Graham are seemingly so close, as evidenced by all their pictures together on Northumberland Hunt Watch’s Facebook, you must wonder: does Tribe share Graham’s far-right political views?  


Tribe was formerly in the Metropolitan Police before moving to Northumberland. She now runs Hounds on the Hill, a local dog walking service in Wooler.

Sources have told Behind The Masks that at one point Tribe was carrying out her sabbing while on long-term sick leave from the Metropolitan Police. If these claims are true, it surely raises some awkward questions for the force as to whether it – and taxpayers – are inadvertently funding the disruptive and often antisocial activities of hunt sabs.  


In typical saboteur fashion, the Tribe and her coterie at Northumberland Hunt Watch beg the well-meaning public for donations: in this case, attempting (and succeeding) to raise £800 for repairs on a personal car.  

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