Name: Helen Nicholas

Location: Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Affiliations: Cirencester Sabs
Helen Nicholas’ Facebook page is a self-obsessed echo chamber of vegan activism.
She has been a public menace several times. In March 2022, she was racist to a landowner when sabbing, resulting in a caution from the police (Hunting for the Truth catalogued this on Facebook). As land-owners rightly ushered Nicholas off their property, she became aggressive, shouting: “go back to where you came from.” Not only did Nicholas trespass, but she also committed hate-speech. She then humiliated onlookers with mock-crying gestures.
When she’s not being racist and sabbing, Nicholas works as a janitor at Cirencester Deer Park School, a primary school. It’s a shame someone with bigoted characteristics can work around young children, although, for the past year, she has been "off sick" with pay - convenient for someone who's still well enough to be a full-time sab.
There is a clear track-record of bigotry amongst sabs. We need only look as far as the unmasked Director of the Northumberland Watch, former BNP candidate Lynne Graham, to see this trend.

Earlier this year, Nicholas was filmed again being a public nuisance. A bystander was trying to drive down a country lane when Nicholas decided to blockade traffic, stopping dangerously in the middle of the road to distract hounds. Several hounds were drawn through hedgerows into the lane, becoming endangered by cars. When members of the public wanted to get on with their day and leave this madness behind, Nicholas once again became aggressive. Asked politely to move, she told the bystander in the car behind to “shut your face,” stating they “wanted the kill.”
In reality, they probably didn’t care. Fortunately, the driver recorded Nicholas shouting and pointing violently at the driver behind and now she has been exposed.
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