Name(s): Dimitri and Emma Christoforakis
Location(s): Langton Long, Blandford Forum
Affiliations: North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs, Dorset Against Blood Sports, Animal Liberation Front.
‘Militant Veganism’: Dimitri and his wife Emma are self-professed ‘militant vegans’. They are strongly suspected of being involved with the Animal Liberation Front. When they are not sabbing, the couple enjoy holding memorials for butterflies and dressing up as a fox on anti-hunt protests with their children.

Harassment Campaign: In August 2019, Emma Christoforakis was found guilty by Poole Magistrates’ Court of harassment without violence for targeting Dorset sheep farmer John Wood.
She was handed an 18-month conditional discharge, a two-year restraining order on John and Karen Wood that includes not going within 200 yards of their farm, and was ordered to pay victim compensation and court costs. Christoforakis’ eight-month harassment campaign included verbal harassment and targeting Wood and his family at their home.
Aggressive Behaviour: Dimitri is well-known to local hunts for his aggressive and at times violent behaviour. He has been filmed trespassing, verbally abusing and shoving bystanders, and even hitting one gentleman in the head.
Got information about Dimitri or Emma? Email us at info@behindthemasks.co.uk with tips, pictures, and videos.