Affiliations: West Midland Hunt Sabs, AAF Midlands
Location: Coventry
David Graham is a sab with a criminal conviction for perverting the course of justice.
Perverting the Course of Justice
Graham’s saga began in March 2016 after he claimed to be the victim of assault.
Two landowners, the Milner brothers, who had given a hunt permission to cross their land, rightly tried to escort Graham off their land as he did not have their permission to be there and was therefore trespassing.
The brothers escorted the sabs off their land, yet days later Graham reported to the police that he had been assaulted, bringing a tiresome legal case against them.
Some two years down the line, in the summer of 2018, the case was discontinued. Leicestershire police had analysed films which Graham had provided as evidence, only to determine that “they had been doctored to present the incident in a different light”.
Manipulating evidence is a serious criminal offence. Graham was found guilty of perverting the course of justice by giving the police this tampered footage that was set to a repeated loop, making it look as though Graham was kicked repeatedly.

He was handed a 12-month suspended sentence.
Judge Ebrahim Mooncey, who ruled on the case, said to Graham: "You submitted to the police video recorded evidence which was tampered with – which is perverting the course of justice. Normally people would go to prison straight away but in your case I'm mindful this case goes back to 2016, when you were 30 and now you're 35.”
The case of David Graham’s perjury proves that the West Midlands sabs are more than willing to tamper with evidence, undermining the credibility of any material posted by them, either online or in person.
Fleecing the Public
As well as being handed a 12-month suspended sentence and 100 hours of community service, Graham was also fined £1,000.
Sadly, it comes as no surprise that he and Cathy Scott at once took to social media to accuse the police of committing perjury themselves. Yet even more disgusting was their decision to set up a GoGetFunding page to make gullible people pay for Graham’s crimes:
Funding amounts have since been altered, yet the page’s history records its first donation on 3 October 2020, within two weeks of Graham’s sentencing. Being convicted for perjury is laughably considered a necessary “campaign cost”, according to Graham.
But the West Midlands Hunt sabs regularly fleece their gullible tribe of donors and followers for drone costs, buying a car, petrol costs, buying a new camcorder, and even to “help equip our sabs with cameras”.
Criminal Connections
Graham keeps good company, being acquainted with disturbing sab Richard Williams, who has been in hiding for some time.
In January 2020, Graham thought it wise to encourage Williams to come out sabbing with them to threaten and intimidate hunt members, along with Cathy Scott.
After trespassing on private land during a legal trail hunt, Graham, Scott and Williams were asked to leave by two female hunt stewards. Williams reacted aggressively, unleashing despicably violent behaviour.
Undeniable footage shows Williams accosting a steward and shouting in anger: “I just got out of jail for f**king murder, and I’ll f**king go back in again.”
In the same video, one cannot fail to hear the steward in panic asking Williams to stop touching her breasts, potentially indicating sexual assault.
David Graham’s deceitful actions and choice of company show he has little concern for animal welfare. Instead, his only desire is to stoke division among rural communities of the West Midlands and sow hatred in the countryside.
Even despite all of David Graham's vices, he somehow managed to slip through the New York Times' net...
Got more information about David Graham? Send a tip to info@behindthemasks.co.uk or WhatsApp 07985 517 452.