Affiliations: Stockport Monitors
Location: Salford
Aged just 25 at the time of his conviction, Charley Waring was one of the younger members of the Stockport Monitors who received a suspended sentence for public order offences in September 2022 at Leicester Magistrates' Court.
The five men were convicted of using "threatening behaviour" towards three victims including a 15-year-old girl. The group of masked thugs followed the Cottesmore Hunt in Oakham on 29 January 2022: the court heard they were "extremely aggressive" and the victims felt "intimidated by their behaviour”.
Shockingly, the court further heard that they left the teenage girl “fearing for her life”.
Waring was himself handed a 15-week sentence, suspended for 12 months on the condition he didn’t reoffend. He was also given 100 hours unpaid community service and made to pay court costs of £438: £60 for compensation, £128 victim surcharge, and £250 contribution towards court costs.
Like many sabs, Waring has also shown himself partial to destroying any local business which has even slight involvement with legal trail hunts. He does this in the cowardly fashion of Facebook reviews, piling in with other keyboard warriors to try and crush what is already a struggling rural business that supports many livelihoods.

Fortunately, the Nags Head in Bunbury – which Waring targeted - lives on as an award-winning pub. Long live the local!
It would probably be wise for Waring to dedicate more time to his three careers which, according to Facebook, allegedly include being a technician for Network Rail, a banksman at Wates Group, and a scaffolder at Allied Scaffolding.
But sadly, Waring is a proud Stockport Monitor, having been led into a life of rural crime by corrupting mentors Paul Allman and Matthew Slater. He even claims on his Facebook that the Stockport Monitors are “real men” for not hunting:

It’s even more distressing that other hunt saboteur groups condone the criminal behaviour of the Stockport Monitors.
On 4 January 2020, eight Stockport Monitors were arrested after clashing with the Cheshire Hunt, who were out legally trail hunting. Seven were arrested on suspicion of alleged assault and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. The eighth was arrested on suspicion of a public order offence.
Cheshire Against Blood Sports, another local sab group, were quick to claim these eight Stockport Monitors were “wrongfully detained” and stated they were “very pleased” to inform their followers of the men’s release:

In response, Waring himself was quick to reassure his supporters in the comments’ section that he too would be back out sabbing in no time.

If only Waring had been properly cautioned, perhaps a young 15-year-old girl from the countryside wouldn’t have been mentally scarred by his intimidating and bullish behaviour a couple of years later.
Even though the eight Stockport Monitors may have slipped through police’s hands on that occasion, the long rap sheet of their leader Paul Allman, together with their desire for masked anonymity and extremist tendencies, proves they have little objective but to intimidate and break the law in the countryside.
More disturbing is how quickly sabs from other groups flock in support of the Stockport Monitors on the internet. This says an awful lot about the morals of saboteurs as a wider group. Their online followers are quite simply not prepared to admit wrongdoing from their own; perhaps they have even lost sight of what wrongdoing really is, after being duped by a wider saboteur philosophy that purports moral righteousness.
This widespread sentiment has become obvious to Behind the Masks. Week-by-week we witness how hordes of saboteur internet trolls flock together on Facebook in support of criminal sabs like James Harkness, Mel Broughton, Marc Shaw, Matthew Slater, Gemma Barnes, and many, many more.

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