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Agnieszka Grabowicz

Updated: May 15, 2024

Affiliations:  Northants Sabs and Hertfordshire Sabs   

Location: North London 


Agniezska Grabowicz is a violent and hard-line animal rights activist who has previously been in trouble with the law for her aggressive behaviour.  


In 2020, the Countryside Alliance reported that Grabowicz had been fined and banned from sabbing in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire for 12 weeks by the police. She was accused of hurling abuse, intimidating, and spitting directly at farmer Gwylim Owen, a hunt steward. In the face of this disgusting behaviour, Owen politely requested the sabs leave private land and return to the public footpath, remaining calm throughout.  

Throughout the altercation, Grabowicz was trespassing on private land on the pretence that illegal fox hunting was taking place. In reality, there was only legal trail hunting. Grabowicz evidently had no right to be there: her sole intent was to intimidate hunt supporters.  


Fortunately, police cautioned Grabowicz and fined her, however, she only paid her dues six months later. Even though the incident occurred in November 2019, and the police caution was issued in January 2020, Grabowicz did not get round to paying Owen his legal compensation until June 2020.   


The incident only ended with further embarrassment for Grabowicz, as Owen dedicated his compensation to the Cottesmore Hunt, saying that "the hunt is constantly targeted by these extremists and it seemed only right that they should compensate the hunt in a small way for constantly harassing their supporters." 


Lots of time on her hands  


Grabowicz is a self-styled “creative designer” from North London, although it is difficult to ascertain what business she actually does, with relatively inactive design profiles on The Dots, Behance, Working Not Working, Dribbble, and three reviews on YunoJuno. Perhaps that is why she is able to dedicate so much time to sabbing, just like other workshy layabouts such as Gemma Barnes, Austin Jordan, and Marc Shaw

With all this free time, Grabowicz has rather embarrassingly allowed her emotions to get the better of her on social media. Once, after posting a video of a rider on horseback on her Instagram, deceptively named ‘nitn’, Grabowicz fabricates the idea that the horse is in distress. She also suggests that, if “we don’t ride dogs, then we shouldn’t ride horses.” Sound logic.  

Grabowicz has adopted a lower profile after her violent outburst, but is reported to still be sabbing among the ranks of the Northants and Hertfordshire sabs. 


Got any information about Agniezska Grabowicz? Send tips, photos and videos to or Whatsapp +44 7985 517452 

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